System Change, not Climate Change: Opportunities and Constraints in Current and Alternative Systems

When:  Aug 3, 2021 from 02:00 to 04:00 (FR)
In the past few decades, we have seen the gradual emergence of organization and management research that addresses what firms can do to mitigate climate change and other environmental dangers. As others have noted, much of our field’s research has focused on the firm level, aiming to explore how firm-level choices can help or harm the environment. Rich as this research has been, however, the broader system—the rules of the game—limit what firms can do in the face of the climate crisis. So management scholarship must move beyond its current focus on firm-level and individual-level behavior, to focus more attention on the broader system that sets the rules of the game. The environmental crisis is, in this sense, similar to other 'grand challenges' whose scale and urgency have pushed numerous thought- leaders in our field to urge us to broaden our focus To understand and respond to the climate emergency, we need to focus on the political- economic-cultural systems within which firms and individuals operate and on what plausible, different systems could better support local efforts to respond to environmental challenge. The overall goal of this PDW is to help our field develop the conceptual tools we need to understand our challenges at the system level and to contribute to the policy debates at that level. To accomplish this, the PDW will feature speakers offering a range of views. It will also create space for dialogue among them and with other participants.


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