


The name of this organization is the Critical Management Studies Division of the Academy of Management, abbreviated as CMS.

CMS serves as a forum within the Academy for the expression of views critical of established management practices and the established social order. Our premise is that structural features of contemporary society, such as the profit imperative, patriarchy, racial inequality, and ecological irresponsibility often turn organizations into instruments of domination and exploitation. Driven by a shared desire to change this situation, we aim in our research, teaching, and practice to develop critical interpretations of management and society and to generate radical alternatives. Our critique seeks to connect the practical shortcomings in management and individual managers to the demands of a socially divisive and ecologically destructive system within which managers work.

Sample topics include:

  • critical theories of the nature of managerial authority, resistance to managerial authority, identity, affectivity, rationality, and subjectivity;
  • critiques of managerialist theories of management and organization;
  • critical assessments of emerging alternative forms of organization;
  • critiques of political economy;
  • critical perspectives on business strategy, globalization, entrepreneurship, technological innovation, and computerization;
  • critical analyses of discourses of management, development, and progress;
  • the profit-imperative and the natural environment;
  • critical epistemologies and methodologies;
  • critical perspectives on class, gender, and race.

We bring together people from a broad range of Academy divisions with the goals of promoting: (a) critical scholarship as an essential component of the life of the Academy; (b) teaching that encourages broader, deeper, and more critical understanding; (c) links to progressive social movements.

We observe that management of the modern firm (and often of other types of organizations too) is guided primarily by the interests of shareholders and other elites. We are critical of the notion that the pursuit of profitability will automatically satisfy society's broader interests. Such a system extracts unacceptably high social and environmental costs for whatever progress it offers. We believe that other priorities, such as justice, community, human development, and ecological balance, should be brought to bear on the governance of economic and other human activity.

The overall goal of our research, teaching, and extra-curricula activities is to contribute to the creation of better organizations, more humane societies, and a viable world system. Our specific objectives within the Academy of Management are to serve existing members' needs well so that growth in the Division occurs, to generate high-quality dialogue in our meetings, to encourage the diffusion of our ideas and values in research and teaching, and to build bridges to progressive social movements to contribute to positive change for social and environmental welfare.


Membership in CMS is open to all members of the Academy of Management who are in good standing and interested in the purposes and strategies of the CMS Division.



Elected officers of the CMS Division shall be Division Chair, Division Chair-elect, Past Division Chair, Program Chair, and Program Chair-elect.

Executive Committee (EC)

The mission of the EC is to: (1) govern the CMS Division, and; (2) guide our activities.

The objectives of the EC are:

  • To set Division policy
  • To facilitate obtaining resources so that the Division can enhance program activities
  • To promote continuity of leadership in the Division via EC membership
  • To promote involvement in Division activities

The EC shall consist of 9 members:

  • Division Chair (also to serve as EC Chair)
  • Division Chair-elect
  • Past Division Chair
  • Program Chair
  • Program Chair-elect
  • Three At-Large Representatives
    • Membership and cross-divisional initiatives
    • Communications
  • Division Treasurer

The EC will meet as a group at least once each year at the annual Academy of Management meeting. Where possible, a mid-term virtual meeting of the Executive will be arranged by the Division Chair.

Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee shall consist of the Division Chair, Division Chair-elect, and the Past Division Chair. The Past Division Chair shall act as Chair of the Nominating Committee.

The Nominating Committee shall nominate officers as specified below.

Tenure of Officers and Elected At-Large Representatives of the Division
The tenure of officers will extend to the end of the Annual Meeting. However, outgoing officers are responsible for settling financial obligations incurred during their term of office by the end of the current fiscal year.

Each elected officer shall serve in that office for one year.

The term of office for the elected At-Large Representatives and Division Treasurer shall be three years.

At-Large Representatives may become Division officers immediately after their three-year term.
The Division Treasurer may be elected to consecutive terms.

Division officers may not become EC At-Large Representatives until at least one year after serving as a Division officer.


Division Chair.

The Division Chair shall:

  • Chair the Executive Committee meetings.
  • Be responsible for the conduct of the Division’s activities in a manner that will assure the accomplishment of the Division’s objectives, subject to the provisions of these Bylaws and with the concurrence of the Executive Committee in matters of policy.
  • Preside at all meetings of the Division, but may delegate this responsibility to the Chair.

Elect, or other members of the EC, at the Chair’s discretion.

  • Be responsible for making interim appointments where necessary.
  • Be responsible for assigning tasks to the At-Large representatives in consultation with members of the EC.
  • Present a report on the status and progress of the Division at its Annual Meeting.
  • Succeed the current Past Division Chair at the termination of the Past Division Chair’s year in office.

Division Chair-elect.

The Division Chair-elect shall:

  • Succeed the current Division Chair at the termination of the Division Chair’s year in office.
  • Act for the Division Chair in case of the Division Chair’s absence or disability.
  • Be responsible for selecting and obtaining the Distinguished Speaker/s for the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.
  • Chair the Division’s Business Meeting at the Annual Meeting.
  • Be responsible for the management of the Doctoral Dissertation Competition and delegate tasks to an assigned At-Large representative.
  • Perform such duties as may be assigned by the Division Chair or EC.

Past Division Chair.

The Past Division Chair shall:

  • Initiate and manage the nominations and elections process for the Division.
  • Serve as Chair of the Nominating Committee.
  • Act as counsellor to the Division Chair.
  • Perform such duties as may be assigned by the Division Chair or EC.

Program Chair.

The Program Chair shall:

  • Succeed the current Division Chair-elect at the termination of the Past Division Chair’s year in office.
  • Be responsible for the main scholarly program presented at the Annual Meeting.
  • Be responsible for the management of the Dark Side Case Competition and delegate tasks to an assigned At-Large representative.
  • Perform such duties as may be assigned by the Division Chair or EC.

Program Chair-elect.

Program Chair-elect shall:

  • Succeed the current Program Chair at the termination of the Program Chair’s year in office.
  • Be responsible for organizing and coordinating the Division’s Professional Development Workshop program.
  • Be responsible for the management of the Doctoral Consortium and delegate tasks to an assigned At-Large representative.
  • Perform such duties as may be assigned by the Division Chair or EC.

Division Treasurer

  • Manage and approve expenditures in the CMS budget.
  • Provide financial reports to the Executive Committee in January and in August at the Division Executive at the Annual Meeting.
  • Report the Division’s finances at the Division Business Meeting at the Annual Meeting.

At-Large Representatives.

The At-Large Representatives shall:

  • Act as counsellors to the Officers.
  • Perform such duties as may be assigned by the Division Chair or EC.

Other Appointments.

The Division Chair shall create and appoint committees as required to accomplish the work of the Division. Representatives from appointed committees may be invited to sit on the Executive Committee.


Nominations and elections shall be conducted in accordance with procedures and timelines set out in the Academy of Management’s Division/Interest Group Nominations and Elections Procedures.

Nominating Committee.

The Nominating Committee shall nominate the Program Chair-elect and the At-Large Representatives of the Executive Committee of the IG.

Nomination Process.

Each year the Chair of the Nominating Committee (i.e., Past Division Chair) shall email to the membership a nominating ballot which calls for each member to nominate write-in candidates for Program Chair-elect and At-Large Representatives. These nominations shall be considered in developing a slate of candidates for the elected offices.

The Nominating Committee will propose up to four nominees on the election ballot for each of the elective positions. Consent of each nominee shall be obtained prior to publication.


The election ballot shall list all candidates for an office together, in alphabetical order. A brief biographical sketch shall be provided by each candidate.

The ballot, containing nominees for all positions to be elected, shall be emailed to all members.

Voting members shall be asked to make one choice for Program Chair-elect, and two choices for At-Large Representative

Voting will be electronic. Appropriate measures will be taken to ensure accuracy and confidentiality.

The individual receiving the highest number of total votes for each office will be elected. In the event of a tie, the winner will be determined by a runoff election among the tied candidates.

Votes will be tallied at the close of the election, and publicized shortly thereafter.


Amendments to these Bylaws may be proposed either by: (a) a vote of two-thirds of the EC, or; (b) a written request from two percent (2%) of the voting members that the EC authorize a ballot on proposed amendment(s).

These Bylaws may be amended at any time by a two-thirds plurality of the ballots returned. However, no amendment shall be considered adopted unless ten percent (10%) of the voting members of the Division have voted. This vote shall be taken by email ballot, under conditions that will ensure the secrecy and accuracy of the vote.

A report of the results of the ballot must be made at the next business meeting of the Division at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting.