Best International Business Paper

In some years, the program chair and executive committee nominates the best paper on the subject of international business. There is a prize sponsored by the journal critical perspectives on international business and the Emerald Publishing Group. See the past winners of Best International Business Paper.


  • 2023: Fahreen Alamgir (Monash University) and Saleem Saha (ARDHO)
    'Violence and Afghan Women: Invasions, Interventions, and Mobilization - A Call for Reflexive Engagement'
  • 2022: Patrizia Zanoni (Utrecht University) and Milosz Miszczynski (Kozminski University)
    'Post-Diversity, Precarious Work for All: Unbordering Categories of Difference in an Amazon Warehouse'
  • 2021: Nanna Schmidt (Copenhagen Business School) and Rajiv Maher (EGADE Business School, Tecnologico de Monterrey), 'Shepherding with Carrots and Sticks to Unlearn Traditional Farming Practices' 
  • 2020: Emily Cook-Lundgren (University of Edinburgh), Ishbel McWha-Hermann (University of Edinburgh), and Thomas Calvard (University of Edinburgh), 'Expatriate-Local Inequality as Epistemic Dominance in International Development Organizations'
  • 2019: Ghazal Zulfiqar (Lahore University of Management Science),' The Politics of Informality in Localizing Transnational Activism in the Homeworker Network'.
  • 2018: Alexandre Faria (EBAPE/FGV) and Marcus Hemais ( IAG/PUC Rio de Janeiro), ‘Historicizing the New Global Consumerism from the Perspective of Emerging Worlds’
  • 2017: Jingqi Zhu (Newcastle University) and Rick Delbridge (Cardiff University),'Infantilisation and ‘Tough Love’ in the Chinese Workplace: Towards a New Form of Paternalism?'
  • 2016: Mattia Anesa (University of Queensland), Nicole Gillespie (University of Queensland), A. Paul Spee (University of Queensland) and Kerrie Sadiq (Queensland University of Technology), 'Field-Level Legitimization of Corporate Tax Minimization'
  • 2015: Hamid Vahidnia, Hans Hansen and Leila Forouhi (Texas Tech University, USA), ‘Exploiting the Poor in Faraway Locations: A Corporate Guide.’
  • 2014: Rafael Alcapadini (FGV-EAESP, Brazil) & Cintia Rodrigues O Medeiros (Federal University of Uberlandia, Brazil)
    Necrocorporations: Corporate Crimes and Multinationals.
  • 2013: Rafael Alcadipani and Bill Cooke, ‘The Ford Foundation's "Mess" in Management Educationin Brazil.’
  • 2011: Jessica Heineman-Pieper (George Mason University, USA), ‘The Structural Violence of Globalization.’