With apologies for cross-posting.
Dear colleagues,
The recordings of our two most recent CMS InTouch events on Embodying Methods in Management and Organization and Publishing Critical Work in Ephemera are now available on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdWgDDjIPQ8cleSBDAgLwMA .
We hope you enjoy the viewing!
We would like to thank the organizers and panellists Torkild Thanem, Noortje van Amsterdam, Alia Weston, Kathleen Riach, Rafael Alcadipani, Louise Wallenberg, as well as the Ephemera editorial collective members Birke Otto, Nick Butler, and Randi Heinrichs for these insightful and thought-provoking events.
CMS InTouch is supported by the Academy of Management CMS Division and the journal Organization to help Critical Management Studies virtually connect across the world via free and open webinars and online workshops. To find out more about the series, including how to organise your own CMS InTouch event, please follow this link.
Please follow us on YouTube , Eventbrite , Twitter @cmsintouch and LinkedIn for news and announcements.
With best wishes,
CMS InTouch team
Alexandra Bristow
The Open University
United Kingdom