Critical Management Studies (CMS)

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CMS In-touch Webinar: Violence And Organisation

  • 1.  CMS In-touch Webinar: Violence And Organisation

    Posted 06-14-2020 11:15
    Edited by Marie Hasbi 03-13-2021 15:54

    New webinar hosted by CMS In-touch:

     Violence and Organisation

    25th June 2020 at 1:00 PM AEST 5:00 AM CEST 11:00 PM EDT

    Speakers and Organisers:

    Marie Seagrave, Monash University, Associate Professor, Criminologist

    Jacqui True, Professor of International Relations and Director of Monash University's Centre for Gender, Peace and Security

    Pia Cerveri, Pride Group at Vic Trades Hall

    Fahreen Alamgir, Monash University

    Jordan Brown, Monash University

    Susan Mayson, Monash University

    Michelle Greenwood, Monash University

    Please see the attached poster for further details.

    Marie Hasbi
    Representative-at-Large (Communication-Social media, Webmaster and Moderator)
    Vrije U. Amsterdam