Critical Management Studies (CMS)

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CMS DIVISION ELECTIONS 2021 - Call For Nominations

  • 1.  CMS DIVISION ELECTIONS 2021 - Call For Nominations

    Posted 02-08-2021 05:55

    In accordance with the CMS Division bylaws, the nominations and election process for Divisional roles is led and coordinated by the Nominations and Elections Committee comprising the Past Chair (who oversees the election process), Chair, and Chair-elect. For the 2021 Division elections, we will be looking for nominations to fill four positions on the Executive Committee from August 2021:

    • Program Chair-Elect (PDW Chair), 5-year Chair Track
    • Representative-at-Large (Communication – Social media & Website)
    • Representative-at-Large (Communication– Newsletter)
    • Representative-at-Large (Membership and Outreach)

    To nominate future leaders for the division, please visit and follow the instructions to log-in to your Academy profile. Once you log-in, you may select 'Nominate Now' for the CMS Division. If you know a colleague with great leadership skills who you would recommend, please submit his or her name today. Or, if you are interested in serving the CMS division personally, self-nominations are accepted and encouraged!

    The call for nominations closes on 26 February 2020. Once the nomination call has closed, nominated candidates who wish to proceed are put forward into an election ballot. This election is open to all CMS Division members and takes place from mid-April to mid-May 2020. The AOM's campaigning policy for elections states that 'no politicking' is allowed.

    Please feel free to contact Ajnesh Prasad ( if you are interested in discussing and learning more about these roles.

    Marie Hasbi
    Elected Representative-at-Large – Social media Editor & Webmaster.