On behalf of the QROM editorial team, we are pleased to announce the recent release of Volume 17, Issue 3.
Identity work by a young petite female academic home comer: quest for social power in masculine settings
Nilupulee Liyanagamage and Mario Fernando
Transforming employee resistance into organizational learning at a higher education institution in Palestine
Devi Akella and Grace Khoury
Leading with two eyes: leadership failures and possibilities in the management of a pulp mill's wicked problem
Mairi N. McKinnon and Brad S. Long
Trailblazers in green business: unconventional practices and motivation within a chamber of commerce business network
Nancy Hanson-Rasmussen and Brent S. Opall
Conforming to and resisting imposed identities – an autoethnography on academic motherhood
Isabella Krysa and Marke Kivijärvi
Researching sensitive topics when the participants are stigmatized, the culture is value-laden and the researcher is an insider-outsider
Arosha S. Adikaram, Subashini Weerakotuwa, and Dilusha Madushanka Liyanage
Publish your critical, qualitative method research with us!
Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management (QROM) is an international journal committed to encouraging and publishing critical qualitative work from researchers and practitioners within the management and organizational field throughout the world.
The journal seeks to provide a forum for qualitative researchers through which they can share their work with others and, in particular, discuss issues of research practice pertinent to qualitative approaches.
We are looking for articles that don't just arrive at useful findings based on qualitative methods but which:
- provide an "in-depth" study of the processes involved (e.g., what activities/ interrelationships can be identified in arriving at a particular conclusion?)
- discuss/reflect on issues of research practice (i.e., what we can learn from applying selected qualitative methods);
- are critical (i.e., broadly concerned with understanding the impact of managing and organizing on human experience and life chances);
- are focused on subjective experience (i.e., provides in-depth understanding of what people feel about the processes involved);
- are context oriented (e.g., provides understanding of the context in which the study is conducted and the potential influence on the people under study);
- provides an in-depth account of key aspects of the (qualitative) research applied and the challenges involved (e.g., what methods were used, how/why were they used, and what lessons are to be learned from adopting a particular research strategy)
QROM is the only journal that focuses exclusively on excellence in qualitative research across the management and organizational discipline. The journal encourages research which is critical, focused on subjective experience and context-oriented. Any topic relevant to organization and management studies is suitable.
To encourage reflexive practice and the dissemination of critical skills in the field, the journal includes a section entitled Insider Accounts, where authors can give a frank and in-depth account of some aspect of their (qualitative) research practice. Book Reviews of relevant texts are also published under the auspices of the Book Review Editor.
Research stemming from qualitative techniques covers a spectrum of methods and can be located within a wide range of epistemological perspectives. Many of these techniques are not well known or utilized by researchers in the management and organizational studies arena despite the potentially unique perspectives they provide on important and contemporary management research issues. We encourage submissions from all epistemological perspectives that are broadly critical.
Find out more about us here: Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management
Twitter: @QROM_Journal
Facebook: QROMJournal
Nicholous Deal
Graduate Student
Mount Saint Vincent University
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada