We are happy to announce the inaugural meeting of The International Academy of Research in Indigenous Management and Organizational Studies. The Academy will bring together leading Indigenous and non-Indigenous management scholars with doctoral students and ‘emerging scholars’ (postdoctoral researchers and junior faculty members) to engage in topics related to research in Indigenous Management and Organization Studies.
The event will take place from August 10th to 12th, 2023, at Telfer School of Management in Ottawa. It will be hosted by the Canada Research Chair in Social and Inclusive Entrepreneurship, Ana Maria Peredo, at the Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa, in collaboration with Rick Colbourne (Carleton U.), Robert Anderson and Peter Moroz (U. of Regina), Irene Henriques (York U.), and Leo-Paul Dana (Dalhousie University).
The two-and-a-half-day consortium will feature keynote presentations, panel discussions with prominent Indigenous researchers and emergent scholars and workshops on research in progress by emergent scholars. We have confirmed the participation of researchers from Canada, the United States, New Zealand, and Australia as keynotes or mentors. We will also have a panel discussion with Indigenous leaders, and their presence during the event will ensure that our research conversations remain connected to Indigenous realities.
We invite submissions for participation in the Academy from doctoral students, postdoctoral scholars and junior faculty, Indigenous or non-Indigenous, who are working on topics in Indigenous enterprise, management and entrepreneurship, especially as those intersect with ideas of sustainability, reconciliation and resurgence. Our call is meant to embrace a wide range of methodologies, topics, interests, and challenges. Submissions may draw on work-in-progress as part of a thesis, a project for publication, or maybe a new project related to the Academy’s subject area.
Submissions should be in the form of an (i) 5,000-word summary (excluding references and appendices, and supporting materials) and (ii) CV. Submission packages should be sent to The International Indigenous Academy Conference: iiac@telfer.uottawa.ca by April 15. Authors of accepted submissions are welcome to expand their proposal for workshop discussion and feedback.
Papers accepted for the Academy will be considered for publication in Palgrave Conference Proceedings. We also have the support of Organization - the critical journal of organization, theory & society. There will be no registration fee. Breakfast and lunch will be provided during the Academy. Participants will need to fund travel and accommodation expenses. However, grants will be available for doctoral and postdoctoral participants who need travel and accommodation expenses support. A grant application form will be available for accepted doctoral and postdoctoral authors.